Why Are Adjunct Services That Use Accounting And Legal Triage Important? Definition of “Adjunct” : A thing added to something else, but secondary. (Webster’s Dictionary, with emphasis added)Definition of “Accounting and Legal Triage” : A system of priorities designed to maximize numbers. A prioritization of the order of accounting and legal matters, based on available funds and other resources that can be used, are most needed, or are most likely to achieve a successful resolution of the projects. (Bill Roof)What Is The Problem? The problem is when a business’s management unnecessarily runs to its outside firms for matters which can be defined, refined, or maybe even possibly resolved at a much more cost-efficient level.What Is The Benefit? FOR THE ENTERPRISE FOR THE TRUSTED ADVISORS What is the Cost? This adjunct service would not be valuable to the business if it was not priced cost-efficiently. Therefore, you will find that this combined accounting and legal expertise, billed as an annual retainer payable quarterly, in general equates to costs similar to those of a good executive assistant. Contact Bill to learn more. |