Why Are Adjunct Services That Use Accounting And Legal Triage Important?

Definition of “Adjunct”: A thing added to something else, but secondary. (Webster’s Dictionary, with emphasis added)

Definition of “Accounting and Legal Triage”: A system of priorities designed to maximize numbers. A prioritization of the order of accounting and legal matters, based on available funds and other resources that can be used, are most needed, or are most likely to achieve a successful resolution of the projects. (Bill Roof)

What Is The Problem? The problem is when a business’s management unnecessarily runs to its outside firms for matters which can be defined, refined, or maybe even possibly resolved at a much more cost-efficient level.

What Is The Benefit?


  • Brings value to the business by strengthening cash flow.
  • Works secondarily with management to supplement and support decision making.
  • Promotes and provides appropriate service level and timing to improve relationships with outside consultants.

  • Bolster client relationships by encouraging and demonstrating candor.
  • Assists in avoiding “value-perceived” billing arguments.
  • What is the Cost? This adjunct service would not be valuable to the business if it was not priced cost-efficiently.  Therefore, you will find that this combined accounting and legal expertise, billed as an annual retainer payable quarterly, in general equates to costs similar to those of a good executive assistant.

    Contact Bill to learn more.